Senior citizen auto insurance is very much more valuable than conventional auto insurance. This is because most of the senior citizens are living on a shoe string budget. They may be relying on their retirement benefits for their survival and in a situation like this; they will not be able to afford to pay for any damages or injuries incurred as a result of an accident.
Senior citizens are generally charged more for their auto insurance than a normal middle aged person. This is because as people age, they gradually lose their neuro motor coordination. Their reaction speeds decrease slowly till finally they may stop reacting to external situations.
It is important and even required by law that senior citizens regularly get checked for their driving skills. They must prove that they are capable of maintaining a valid driving license. They must show that they still remember all the road rules and regulations by means of passing a test. They must also pass a driving test in order to qualify for an extension for their driving license.
55 ALIVE is a course offered by the AARP or American Association for Retired Persons, for drivers over the age of 55. If the driver passes this test, he or she is offered many discounts and benefits by the insurance companies. It is very beneficial to look out for such offers and try to pass them in order to reap the benefits of that you can get.
If you are a retired person and need to get a good deal on your insurance policy, try to follow the following steps,
Look around on the internet for good deals. Try to get free insurance quotes from the internet before you register for one. This will help you get an idea as to which companies are giving you a good deal on your insurance policy. It is important to research and try to shop around in as many places as possible before taking the plunge.
Talk to friends or family and ask them to share their experiences. It is good to have friends of your age group who can guide you as to how you must go about getting good senior citizen discounts.
If you have served in the military or in the government, you may be eligible for a wide variety of discounts. In the case of war veterans, you must and should get a discount. Do not let yourself be fooled that you cannot get one. It is the moral duty of every law abiding citizen to ensure the welfare of the people who have served our country in war.
Try to get cheaper cars which are also safer. Look for good safety features like airbags, good crash test ratings, anti lock braking system etc. Such safety features will reduce your insurance premium and give you a lot of additional benefits. You can negotiate and get added features to your insurance plan like a rental insurance, medical benefits or even low co-pays. It is important that you talk to the insurance people before you make a decision about the car you want to purchase. Make sure you make the right choice as it is a one time decision. Buying a new car when you are not working is something that requires a lot of thought and consideration.
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