Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Auto insurance cheapest company

Auto insurance has become an essential aspect of the modern world. It is no longer a big deal to buy a policy. Consumers have several options in terms of where to buy it. Oftentimes, insurance  agents compel customers to buy worthless auto insurance policies. Therefore, buying it online avoids overexcited insurance  agents, which is perhaps a wise decision.

These providers grant sufficient time to customers to compare different quotes. It helps consumers to make smart decisions. With online insurance, consumers don't have to call countless agents. No longer do you have to cross your fingers until you find a reputable insurance agent. Online auto insurers procedures help consumers to avoid falling prey to sales tactics of insurance agents.

Some of the biggest Online Auto Insurer Sites:

Mentioned below are some websites that offer online policies:

Geico: This is probably the most famous of the big auto insurers. It has become famous for its caveman and gecko (a play on the name Geico) themed ads. Like virtually all other companies these days they operate a website. There you can get quotes for your auto insurance needs.

American International Group (AIG): AIG is a leading international insurance service organization. It comes under the category of top ranked auto insurers in the United States. Its official members write down various auto plans for institutional, commercial, and individual consumers. It has jurisdiction across the world with numerous distribution channels spread across 130 countries.

21st Century Insurance: 21st Century Insurance is the seventh largest auto insurance provider in California. It claims to have insured approximately 1.4 million vehicles. It is popular in California for providing personal motorcycle, automobile and umbrella coverage. It also offers services in Washington, Illinois, Arizona, Indiana, Ohio, and Nevada.

21st Century Insurance makes much of its business through referrals of present auto policyholders. Annually, the average renewal rate of present policyholder claims to be over 93%. In 2003, it recorded $1.219 billion in premiums, revenues contributed $1.246 billion, and assets accounted for $1.7 billion.

Progressive Group of Companies: The Progressive Group stands third in the country for offering auto coverage to more than 12 million consumers. It uses latest technology and innovative schemes, to improve the consumer's experience. Again, as with all the other companies mentioned they offer quote services and more information on their website.

Auto Insurance Broker and Sales People:

Consumers can also buy auto insurance policies from any auto insurer's brokers or a sales people. According to law, it is essential for these sales people or brokers to have a license. By law, a sales person works for a particular company. They are accountable to provide information about different types of coverage offered by their company only.

Whereas, a licensed broker has the legal authority to sell policies of various auto insurance companies. According to their client's budget, brokers help to choose the best deal.

However, these days you don't even need to go to the trouble of consulting a broker since you can get all the same information online. In fact you can get quotes from all of the companies mentioned above and more simply by visiting one of the pages below.

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